Latest – New Church – Blockwork, Tiling – 29.06.11

View of Church

This is a view of the Church taken at the roadside.  As you can see the tiling is now complete and the blockwork, apart what’s left to do round the windows.

The windows should be here on Monday 4th July or thereabouts.

All the pictures have been taken on 29.06.11.


East View of Church

This is the east view of the Church.

The scratch coat has been completed on this side and the tiling is complete.





Front of Church

The blockwork has been comleted on the front of the Church apart from round the windows.

The Church is progressing well and it is a great encouragement to the Congregation to finally see the building taking shape.



2 comments to Latest – New Church – Blockwork, Tiling – 29.06.11

  • Raymond Kemp

    It is a source of praise and thankfulness to the Most High to see your building to this stage of completion. We are encouraged by the Lord’s faithfulness to us in these days. We must stand for the old ways; in so doing the resounding of the singing of the Psalms of David, and the proclamation of the unadulterated word in these days of apostasy will be blessed, and our smallness is not to be despised for it is His work (Zec. 4:10).

    Are there any more recent photographs?

    • Calum MacLeod

      Rev Kemp

      I have now updated the website. I have been very busy during the holiday period and although I had taken many pictures, it was only today I put them on the website. I went to the church site today and took the latest picutres of the outside. I hope to go to the church at the beginning of the week to get up-to-date photos of the inside.

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