When the congregations of Knock and Point were split in 2000, we were left without a place to worship. At that time the only place readily available in the District was a meeting house in the village of Knock and services were held there for some weeks. However, we were prevented from continuing to use that building by some members of the community and we did not know which way to turn.
Very soon after this, one of the members of the Knock Community Hall asked if we would like to use their Hall for worship. We were very grateful for this unexpected opening and we continue to worship there.
In October 2000, the two congregations were officially consolidated – forty years after they had been divided by another split in 1960. After the consolidation, it was decided to start a Fabric Fund so that we could have our own permanent place of worship. Many options were considered, but it was concluded that a new building was the most cost-effective option.
A very suitable site was identified and purchased after a very lengthy legal dispute between two townships that claimed ownership of the land. It took until 2010 for the dispute to be resolved. After due process a design and build contract was awarded to ADM Construction Ltd in September 2010. However, due to the change in building regulations in October 2010, it was not until January 2011 that Building Warrant was granted and construction was able to start properly. We were then hit with a bombshell on Friday 4th March 2011, when ADM Construction Ltd informed us that they were no longer able to continue trading and that they were not able to complete the building. So many set-backs and obstacles are a great trial of our faith and resolve, but our hope and confidence is not in princes or man’s son, but to the One to whom the earth belongs and all that it contains.
We are now at the stage in mid-May 2011, where a second Contractor [Alex Murray (Construction) Ltd] has been appointed to complete the building. On Monday 16th May 2011 work recommenced and on Friday 20th the first wall panels were erected. This is a great source of encouragement after so long a time of trial.
Here you will find some progress photos from the start of the new build. We will continue to keep them as up-to-date as possible. Please keep visiting our website to see the progress, and pray that the Lord will prosper with our work in Point.
If you wish to contribute financially, you can send cheques, payable to Knock and Point Free Church (Continuing), to Mr Donald Buchanan, 27 Upper Bayble, Point, Isle of Lewis HS2 0QH.
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